About This Website

Paul Chappell

Sometime ago I wrote Ulverston Fallen for my cousin. It taught me a lot about writing websites: how to get them to display in a browser, fast; how to make them responsive, viewable on a mobile phone and a large screen connected to a workstation; and how they are coded (the HTML, CSS and Java Script). The problem is, I used Microsoft’s Asp.Net Core software and the C# programming language, great for me, but very difficult for the average website developer.

Soon after I wrote the website, I started looking for alternative ways to write static websites and came across markdown and static website generators.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that makes it easy to write the content for a website page. You can read more about it here. I quickly decided that markdown was the way to go, most people should be able to use it.

I also came across static website generators. The first one I tried was Hugo, which I quickly eliminated as it uses go (an awful programming language in my opinion) for creating templates and themes. I finally settled on Jekyll, which uses shopify’s liquid templating language (much, much better).

I’ve used the combination to write this, and my personal website. I’m also using them to rewrite Ulverston Fallen.

This website contains many articles about what I’ve learnt, and how I wrote the websites. Some of them describe open-source software I have written, to help you write your website.

This and my personal website use the same theme. When it’s completed, I will be making it open source, so anyone can use it. There is more information about how I arrived at this design, here.

This Website’s Layout

This website contains many articles about writing websites based on the Jekyll static website generator, they are all listed here. Each one has one or more categories, which are listed on the categories page. Clicking a category on the categories page displays a list of the articles for that category.

4th May 2024